This plus the well-known benefits of exfoliation,
pore cleansing, moisture infusion, and improvements
for pigment, sun damage and acne makes SILKPEEL
a super investment in younger skin. If you haven’t done
this is a while, sign up. We often bundle it with other
procedures too, so watch the eblasts each month.
These are Vitamin AC&E Body Oil and Derma-Lax Lotion. Mature patients are often shy to bare their arms and bodies due to skin that looks crepey, lax, rough and discolored. We can address these issues with office procedures of course, but home treatments help immensely. Keep in mond that repair takes time. The before-and-after here took 8 months but considering the severity of the damage, this is outstanding. TIP: Be sure to protect your new skin with generous amounts of sunscreen daily.
They are generally not cancerous
and they are not contagious. S o why remove them? Because they may your skin look older.
Also, removal prevents trauma...if they are gone they can’t get snagged by clothing, jewelry,
pets, seat belts, etc. and bleed on your clothes. The 3 best ways to remove them are: freezing,
cautery or scissors/scalpel. Small tags are removed easily and comfortably but depending on
patient preference, anesthesia can be used. Don’t waste your time on creams and home
remedies. Get skin tags checked and removed once a year for best appearance and peace
of mind. Just circle them with a felt-tip pen at home when you get out of the shower and
let us take a look. If you’d like to remove skin tags at a previously scheduled appointment,
let Alison know so she can leave us enough time. Since removal is a self-pay (insurances
don’t cover it), we will remove them as efficiently as possible for you.
Ask us to examine your face at your next appointment. If you’ve been using the minimum, 40 units per session, adding as little as 10 more can make a big difference in your overall appearance.
For most of you, it’s been a while since you had a peel so it’s the perfect time to get reacquainted with them. The best regimen is often to do a series of them, perhaps one every 3 to 4 months. Peels compare favorable to lasers for results on mild to moderate damage from age and sun, often with less downtime and risk. Their convenience and adjustability have brought them to the foreground in cosmetic dermatology once again, which is why physician organizations that focus solely on the merits of peels are emerging nationwide. For 40+ patients with crow’s feet, fine lines, dullness, splotchiness and sun-related damage, peels are great. Busy patients may find the hiding period for laser resurfacing hard to fit in. So, opt for a series of peels instead, with little or no hiding. A mild intervention can stave off having to do a bigger repair. So the question is WHEN WAS YOUR LAST PEEL?